Step 7. Building your Site

Why do I insist you build a website? 

You could start with a YouTube or channel, but now you are relying on a third party that may impose rules about your content and shut you down at any time. You always want to have the option of hosting your own video content and a place to send your Video channel subscriber to that is yours.

Can’t I just start with Pay Per Click and drive traffic to the offer page?
I don’t believe in what I like to call “pass through marketing”. This is where you just send the customer straight to the retailer and get a commission with no hope of ever getting that customer again. 

Another thing to keep in mind is most merchants do not allow direct linking in paid search. This means you may not use their URL in your paid ads. Instead you would direct traffic to a landing page on your site with links to the merchant you want to promote. Repeatedly testing offers this way can get very expensive and you will not have anything to show for it except an empty bank account. It is also very intensive and not for the faint of heart.

Having your own Web site will give you a piece of internet real estate that you can constantly improve on and consistently make money from loyal visitors or subscribers to your email opt in list.

A word about free platforms to host your content- Nothing is ever free. That hosting resource is paid for in some way and usually, it is your content that gets monetized with ads the “free” hosting platform stuffs into your content or next to it. You will have absolutely no control over the ads and won’t earn a dime from. Plus you know all that fine print in the user agreement, yeah you agreed to this and your site/content may disappear without any warning.  So please just do not do this. 

Step 6. Choosing a Domain:

When deciding on a domain you want something short and easy to remember.

Stick with the dot COM domain, as they are the most commonly used. I suggest using the keywords to help you develop idea for domain names to see what is available, but don’t spend a ton of time on this part. A keyword rich, long domain name is not going to help you very much since Google’s new algorithm changes have devalued the keywords in the domain name, especially exact match domain names (EMDs)
An example of an EMD domain would be:

From experience this domain did fantastic until Google devalued Exact Match Domain names. Then I had to really start working on adding in new content to get the domain back a decent ranking.  Also stay away from using dashes or hyphens in the domain name.

 How long should you register a domain name for?

I typically will register a domain for 2 years, but you don’t have to if you are uncertain of the value of the domain just do it for a year it is only 12.95 per year or less. As an example I bought a domain It isn’t keyword rich but it gets the point across and is easy to remember. Other domains I have purchased are – it will be a site about cooking holiday dinners and fixing the most common errors in cooking those special meals. Again, easy to remember and keyword rich as I will be focused on Turkey cooking tips. 

I use GoDaddy to register domains.

Create a GoDaddy account first then go through the process of searching for and registering a domain.  It is cheap and easy and as you go through the process just click the NO THANKS button at the bottom of each screen until you get to the actual payment options or look to the right where it says CHECK OUT click that to go to the payment screen right away. You don’t need any other services from them besides the domain at this time.