Ping Plug in

How often is your WordPress blog pinging the services? Could you be guilty of Ping Spamming and not even know it?? You betcha.

 If you are using WordPress as the core part of your affiliate marketing site you need to know that WordPress by default not only pings when you post a new item but it also pings when you update or edit a post. So if you proofread your posts and find errors or have to change out links etc WordPress pings every time you save the post. This has still not been fixed as of WordPress 2.3

To help fix this several plug-ins were created but like many open source projects people get busy and the plug-in I was using Smart Update Pinger is not working as of WordPress 2.1 or higher. I have found one that is working and is free. Ping Optimizer 

Ping Optimizer will only ping when you post a new item. No more unnecessary and unwanted pings when you edit your posts.

WordPress Plugin for Affiliate Marketing

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate-WordPress Plugin that literally turns content into keyword money generators:
It can convert any keyword in your blog posts/comments into affiliate link. It’s also a full fledge
affiliate link tracking and management system.

I like this approach because it is not another cookie cutter template. It helps you maximize the value of your WordPress site and all the work you put in creating unique content.

I currently have this in testing: 

So far on an established blog that does $3.00 per day we are up to $7.00 per day in earnings.  So 7×30= $210. Well what if we have 5 blogs  5×210  $1050.00. Food for thought.  

The real had part is content, but it does not have to be. Write about things you have an interest in. Don’t worry that “someone already did that”. Your own unique perspective  or “voice” is what makes your content unique. Let MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate take care of the linking part.